Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Conversations with Druva

They talk about the end time,
The age of kali yuga some say
Where life is cheap and morality twisted,
Corruption the new way

And they wait
For a savior to come,
God to incarnate,
Save the righteous from this hell

They pray for this miracle,
This judgment day to come.
Blind eyes turn to heaven,
Empty hearts plead for salvation,
And hands, wasted make obeisance

The words are spoken,
The rituals performed…
But the meaning is lost.
When they leave your hallowed halls
The teachings are not even distant memories

And they wait
For their beliefs to come true,
Casting down of demons and serpents,
The transformation of this world anew

If only they did more than talk
And wait.
If only they knew to find God in the
Here and now.

Find divinity and grace
In the kindness of one stranger to another,
In the stars, in the sunrise,
In the beauty of this Earthly place

If only they would cast aside the rituals,
And not get lost in the words of the prayers
But understand that to serve God
Is to serve mankind.

Honour this home and all the inhabitants,
These familiar walls of flesh and bone
Best serve the spirit by dealing acts of kindness,
Allowing hands to help and heal,
Not cast stones.

And God will come again to this world,
And evil shall fall,
Come not to one place,
Or as Messiah to a persecuted people,
But to all.

Then they will realize that they need not wait,
For God never left.
Instead it was man who went astray and did not see
That all are one,
Flesh, and earth, and gas and dust entwined,
Forever inseparable from divinity.

(c)Geeta Boodansingh 2010.9.07

Monday, September 6, 2010

Crystal Life

This life is but a waking dream,
Its moments writing in the sand,
Washed away by the ocean’s tide,
Molded by fate’s hand,

This life is but a blink of an eye,
Before you know it’s gone,
But even the darkest of the nights,
Is followed by the dawn,

This life it seems is crystal,
Refracting solar light,
Distorted colours mingling,
Into a myriad bright,
And even if the colours are not exactly what they seem,
There still lies beauty in every single beam,

This crystal it is fragile,
Shattered easily,
Changing forever the kaleidoscope,
Its pieces not lost however,
But remains shimmering memories.

Ode to the Stars

The eyes of the universe shining bright,
Reflecting glory and ancient might.
Timeless they seem to the mortal mind,
In the eternal tapestry hope we find.
As the darkness deepens, brighter they be,
Reminding the weary of a greater power unseen.
Among them we've hung our wishes on high,
And carved from them legends and gods in the sky.
They reign forever like immortal kings,
Humility and awe to mankind they bring,
And light forever to generations unborn,
Watching as guardians,
To forever they are sworn.
From the death of one another may rise,
Like a flaming phoenix burning night's sky,
Ensuring mankind always will see
Glowing bright in patterns of light,
The jewels of his hopes, his dreams, and his final destiny.

(c)Geeta Boodansingh 2004